"Your 'No' makes way for your 'Yes'. Boundaries create the container within which your yes is authentic. Being able to say 'No' makes 'Yes' a choice."
- Adrienne Maree Brown
Trainings & Workshops
The following trainings are tailored for the needs of your group.
2 - 4 hour, single day, and three day trainings are available.
Contact us for pricing, scheduling
Workplace Well-being
This training focuses on somatic practices, personal transformation, and tools for emotional well-being. We offer movement exercises, creative writing practices, and body-based learning that fosters self-awareness and connection.
Group Connection - Play in the Workplace
Research shows that incorporating play into work environments can reduce fatigue, stress, and burnout while boosting job satisfaction, competence, and creativity. Through playful games and movement, we'll focus on enhancing communication, building trust and fostering stronger bonds within teams. In this workshop participants will delve into topics such as power dynamics, communication and cultivating shared leadership.
Consent & Boundaries
This workshop centers concepts and practices for creating a safe and nurturing workplace environment. By creating a shared culture around consent and boundaries, your team will gain a sense of empowerment and agency as well as stratagies for skillful negotiation.
Deep Listening
Expand your group's skills in listening and collaboration. We will guide practices to support your creative projects and improve group interpersonal dynamics. Through authentic relating and communication practices, we support a deepening awareness of skillful listening and effective communication.
Wellness in Motion
This workshop offers movement practices for all bodies and abilities with a focus on nurturing a safe, pleasurable and positive relationship with yourself and others. Through a blend of expressive movement and mindfulness techniques, participants will discover how to enhance physical health, reduce stress, and foster a vibrant and cohesive work environment.
Consent for Couples
Deepen in your partnerships through intimacy skills and guided practices. These tailored sessions support communication and connection by building trust and shared understanding. We support you to cultivate a greater sense of play and enjoyment in your life and relationships.